August Update

My bags are all packed for my last big trip of the summer, but before I go, as I sit here with my pre-trip excitement, some quick news:


I was a recent guest on Tales from The Trunk, a podcast where writers read from stories they’ve shelved, and discuss them. I don’t actually have a ton of those so instead the host Hilary Bisenieks and I preformed a short section of THIRD WHEEL, a fiction podcast that I planned to write at one point and later scrapped. We did an okay job, I think! You can listen to the episode here.

Keep It Steady

We did, as I hoped, get our fifth episode out in time for Pride Month! You can listen here or wherever you get your podcasts. We’re currently in the process of recording episode 6.

The Strange Case of Starship Iris

Still plugging away on this one. I finally have what may be the final outline for a conclusion to the season! Not gonna lie, I wrote it out and then had to go lay down for a while to process.


I put a new EP up on Bandcamp! You can access that here.


Book: Sea of Tranquility by Emily St John Mendel

Song: “Hurricane Party” by Dessa

Game: Mothership

Drink: Cream raspberry black looseleaf tea from Phoenix Pearl Tea Company

Preoccupation: This week, I plotted two different fictional heists for an as-yet secret potential project and I did so using Google Jamboard, which I quickly realized was not the ideal tool. Is there a better platform for arranging fictional crime capers? Googling “heist” and “app” together was not fruitful.

Final Thought

Most of us want some avenue to stay in touch with the people we know and like, and most of us have no choice but to turn to the internet for at least some of that. Will an actually usable new platform eventually emerge from the sludge of the current state of affairs, like that old experiment from where they dumped truckloads of orange peels and orange pulp into a clearing and then like 25 years later, it was a forest? How do we best help those orange peels decompose into something fertile? Until then, I would ask that if you wanna keep up with me and you haven’t yet, to subscribe.

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