March update

Hello again! It’s been about five months since I’ve posted anything here. I am trying to be slightly less kneejerk apologetic as a person, so instead of clamoring to say sorry, I’m just gonna say: gosh, time sure has really passed!

(Above: a photo from a very small retreat I went on in January, for a project that I’ll get into later. We stayed at a friend of a friend’s vacation house in Michigan. It was gorgeous and restorative and productive, and also the thrifted wool pea coat I packed was just comically inadequate. Two thumbs up, would recommend! While shivering.)

My biggest news since August is that I now have an adorable new niece. Welcome to the world, Baby [NAME REDACTED FOR PRIVACY REASONS], or [NAME REDACTED] for short!

A quick roundup:

Keep It Steady

Episode six is out, wherever you get your podcasts!

The Strange Case of Starship Iris

I have now scripted 6 out of 8 episodes for the final season. Of the remaining two, one exists as a draft that will need to be edited and updated, while the other is brand-new. I recently had an email exchange with the actors, and miraculously, everyone still seems to be onboard, so that’s exciting!

World Gone Wrong

Here is my main creative news for the moment: introducing World Gone Wrong, a brand-new audio drama from Audacious Machine Creative!

I had the immense honor of writing the first six episodes and it’s been an absolute joy to work on. We’ve plotted out the next six as well (this was one of the main goals of the Michigan trip last January) and I am so excited for where this story is going. It’s a fictional chat show about long-distance friendship and coping with a daily reality that’s growing weirder by the hour. In our case, this includes relatable problems like werewolves, sewer gators, and space alien bodysnatchers. You can listen to the trailer here (and you should; it’s a delight!)

Malik is played by Michael Turrentine (who you may recognize as Wes in Unwell, as well as roles in TV including South Side, Emperor of Ocean Park, The 4400, Red Line). Jamie is played by Hilary Williams (Joey in Unwell, and TV roles including Chicago Fire and Emperor of Ocean Park). Both of them bring an incredible warmth, intelligence, and liveliness to the show; also fun fact: they are real-life best friends who met teaching sexual assault prevention to sailors.

I can’t say enough good things about this team, and I really do hope you subscribe on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. The first episode comes out March 12, and subscribing is maybe the best way to make sure you don’t miss it.


Book – Plain Bad Heroines by Emily M Danforth

Song – My girlfriend recently brought to my attention there’s a new (well, 2023) Daughter album? That’s been my walking around music.

Game – On a break from tabletop gaming as my DM/brother adjusts to a household with a new baby in it but I have high hopes for Punk is Dead, a songwriting TTRPG where your party is a band booking gigs in a post-apocalyptic UK.

Drink – I recently picked up some Roasted Almond tea from Teahaus. Highly recommended if you, like me, enjoy a sweet and silly herbal looseleaf.

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